September 2001

Dear Prayer Partners and Friends,

     The arm of Christ is not any shorter now than it was twenty centuries ago.  That is the amazing truth which sets our hearts to singing with new hope.  The greater miracle is that His hand still reaches out with the  same transforming touch.  The miracles He once wrought in Galilee are being repeated even now.  We say as the first disciples said "…that which we have seen and heard we declare to you..." (1 John 1:3).

     This year many doors have opened for the proclamation of the good news in the universities, personal lives and in groups where watered-down truth or falsehood prevailed.  In such places and lives Christ made the difference when presented without the "add-ons" of Christianity.

     At the Kingdom Park in Accra, Ghana, Cyprian helped two lads of ages 10 and 12 with their loads.  Their father then came to thank him for the help.  A conversation followed, and the Lord used the words spoken to convict this father of his spiritual need.  In response he bowed his heart and knee to  the risen Savior of mankind.  He is an educated Ghanaian Muslim from the northern region of that country, and he has invited Cyprian to his area with the good news.

Continuing his journey to Kumasi, Cyprian met with the brethren at Santasi Christian Assembly and worshipped and fellowshipped with them.  Some days later Jonah, one of the brothers in the assembly, not knowing what had happened in Accra, asked that Cyprian should consider his area needing an assembly witness.  Jonah is a former Catholic from the northern region.  This northern region of Ghana is home for most Ghanaian Muslims and Catholics.  Please pray as we consider this Macedonian call.

     In July Cyprian at the CEFN leadership and elders conference held in Ayangba at the campus of the former Faith Bible College, where he was once the principal.  The Spirit of the Lord was present and convicted many of sin, righteousness, and judgment.  Attendees confessed one to another and reconciled with each other.

     This was followed by a meeting with the youths in Lagos organized by the Lagos Island ECWA Church.  At the instance of the Word, the grace of God abounded and many gave their lives to the only One worthy of trust, the Lord Jesus.  There was a great searching of heart by all present.  Later, counseling the many that stayed behind lasted till midnight.

     Two days later Cyprian was at the student gathering of the University of Abuja law department.  Here, the Lord gloriously saved a graduating student known around as "Mr. Bad Boy," a cult member.  As follow-up he was introduced to the Emmaus courses.  He is already studying them and looking forward to raising correctors wherever he goes.

     Poverty is not bankruptcy, which is simply a temporary state of life.  Poverty is  the disenabling of the mind which renders a person helpless, hopeless, and dependent.  It is uncharitable, therefore, to create a dependency culture in people.  A dependency culture moves Christ from the center of the gospel.  The Bible way is to help people help themselves and into dependency on Christ alone.      

Yours in Emmanuel,  

Joy and Cyprian

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