2LiveisChrist.net primarily features articles and essays written and submitted by people on the network.  If you would like your thoughts to be featured here, write to [webserf@2liveischrist.net].  All submissions will be prayerfully screened by the webmaster prior to posting.

Being Open to the Truth - Roberta E. Smith   Cheer Up! - Ben Iler
Commissioned to Love - Anna Zwicker Comparing the Old Covenant with the New - Steve Barton  
The Cross: Death Begets New Life - Anna Zwicker Dating and Such - Stephen T. Kia
The Dying Art of Thinking - Ravi Zacharias The Essence of Our Christian Walk - Dr. T. Cyprian Kia
Exodus: A Case Study in Separation - Stephen T. Kia   The Forensic God - Rowan Jennings
Galatians 3: A Synopsis - Stephen T. Kia The Gifts of the Spirit - Stephen T. Kia
God of Love - Sabina Fonseca God Set Me Free! - David Crane 
God Speaks - Margaret Campbell Godly Habits - Dr. T. Cyprian Kia
Head Coverings - Sarah Zwicker Honor Their Memory - Stephen T. Kia
How Grace Works - Sarah Zwicker In Light of Eternity  - Anna Zwicker
Interdependence of Man and Woman -  Stephen T. Kia The Judgment Seat - Rowan Jennings
Justified - Margaret Campbell Leadership and the Church - Warren Barber
Left Behind! - Carl Knott  Letter from a Birmingham Jail - Dr. M. L. King, Jr.
Melchizedek Priests - Stephen T. Kia My Conversion to God - Rowan Jennings  
My Fellow Christians... - Anna Zwicker The Origin...of the Present Fellowship - Stan Thompson
The Plymouth Brethren: A Brief History - Miles J. Stanford The Power of God? - Steve Barton
Purpose for Living - Dr. T. Cyprian Kia Real Christianity - Dr. T. Cyprian Kia
Reflections on 1 Corinthians 12 - Dr. T. Cyprian Kia Reflections on the Will of God - Stephen T. Kia
Self-revelation in Genesis 45 - Stephen T. Kia Sharing the Vision - Stephen T. Kia
The Shining Light - Sabina Fonseca The Sin Called "Demandingness" - Dr. T. Cyprian Kia
Sin Makes You Stupid! - Patrick Coleman Submission and Obedience - Dr. T. Cyprian Kia
Subverters of Souls - Steve Barton The Synthesis of Interdependent Fellowship - Stephen T. Kia
Tempus Fugit - Carl Knott Thoughts on Worship from Three Women - Mike J. Farag
To Each His Work - Dr. T. Cyprian Kia True Worship - Stephen T. Kia

The Uniqueness of Christ - Dr. T. Cyprian Kia

What's the Bottom Line? - Stephen T. Kia
Where Do Good Works Come In? - Stephen T. Kia  

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